S p o n s o r s h i p o f v i n e p l a n t s
Adopt one or more organic vine plants and live a unique winemaking experience by following your vines, from their planting to the tasting of “your” vintage at the historic Château de Viviers.
Sponsorship: support a historical monument, biodiversity and Arnould and Isabelle’s quest for excellence.
M e s s a g e f r o m A r n o u l d
Dear friends,
Making excellent organic wine, promoting biodiversity, offsetting our carbon footprint, are challenges that are as complex as they are exciting, economically difficult but bringing tremendous satisfaction, saving future lives and protecting nature. So I invite you to share with Isabelle and me our new burgundian life project by adopting some vine plants. These plants, all of massal origin, i.e. not cloned, will be planted on exceptional plots of land of the Château de Viviers, whose wine was once served at Versailles, cultivated organically and biodynamically, favouring the diversity of fauna and flora with nesting boxes, hedges, trees, grassing, …
Each plant or row will bear a zinc plate with your name and a symbolic date (marriage, birth, …) during the whole life of the plant. Unfortunately, you will not receive wine over such a long period of time, but it is up to you to become “Good Friends of Viviers” and to take advantage of the wine allocations and discounts that will be associated with it.
Arnould Lefébure.
Sponsorship options
Junior sponsorship
A basic sponsorship, accessible to all and especially young people to learn about organic wine-
1 vine plant
A newsletter which will talk about the state of the vines, the progress of the vines, the problems encountered and the activity of the winegrower.
A double plaque with the name of the sponsor: the first will be placed on the vine and the second offered to the sponsor.
2 bottles of Chablis Château de Viviers: 1 Premium bottle, Cuvée parcellaire Cotâ Grand Claude + 1 bottle of the Cuvée Guette Haute.
Certificate of honorary winemaker of the Château de Viviers.
Duration of sponsorship: 2 years of the same vintage (renewable on request).
Good friends of Viviers: membership for the chosen period, allocation of 3 bottles next year (3 bottles will be reserved for you to purchase) and many other privileges.
Individual sponsorship
A support sponsorship that allows you to live a unique experience at the Domaine-
1 vine plant
A newsletter which will talk about the state of the vines, the progress of the vines, the problems encountered and the activity of the winegrower.
A double plaque with the name of the sponsor: the first will be placed on the vine and the second offered to the sponsor.
3 personalised bottles of Chablis Château de Viviers: 2 Premium bottles, Cuvée parcellaire Cotâ Grand Claude+ 1 bottle of the Cuvée Guette Haute.
Certificate of honorary winemaker of the Château de Viviers.
Duration of sponsorship: 2 years of the same vintage (renewable on request).
Good friends of Viviers: membership for the chosen period, allocation of 6 bottles next year (6 bottles will be reserved for you to purchase) and many other privileges.
Invitation for one person to 3 workshops at the Domaine: pruning, bottling with tasting and harvesting.
Couple sponsorship
A couple sponsorship that allows you to live an experience together, on site, at the domaine-
2 vine plants
A newsletter which will talk about the state of the vines, the progress of the vines, the problems encountered and the activity of the winegrower.
Two double plaques with the names of the two sponsors: the first will be placed on "your" 2 vines and the second offered to the sponsors.
3 personalised bottles of Chablis Château de Viviers: 2 Premium bottles, Cuvée Cotâ Grand Claude available at the estate + 1 bottle of the Cuvée Guette Haute.
A double certificate of honorary winemaker of the Château de Viviers.
Duration of sponsorship: 2 years of the same vintage (renewable on request).
Good friends of Viviers: membership for the chosen period, allocation of 3 bottles next year (3 bottles will be reserved for purchase) and many other privileges.
Invitation for two to 3 workshops at the Domaine: pruning, bottling with tasting and harvesting.
Collector sponsorship
A tailor-made sponsorship of several plants, one row or more, which allows you to become a quasi wine professional and an informed collector. Access to collector's bottles decorated by renowned artists and the assurance of having bottle allocations-
X rows or x vine plants adopted: The ""Collector"" decides with the winemaker how many Chardonnay vine plants of massal origin - not cloned - he will sponsor, he is associated with the choice of the rootstock variety(ies) chosen. Planted in November 2020, each with its own individual plaque and listed as row(s) of Mr or Mrs X.
A newsletter talking about the state of the vines, the progress of the vines, the problems encountered and the activity of the winemaker.
Nameplate in the name of the Collector: Plaques in the name of the sponsor or those he/she has chosen (friends, children, others): the first are placed on the sponsored vines or row and the second are offered to the sponsor.
Des bouteilles personnalisées de Chablis Château de Viviers suivant le parrainage : durant la durée du parrainage, le nombre de bouteilles et les cuvées sont convenus ensemble dont chaque année une bouteille "Collector" (production limitée à 100/an, numérotée, tête de cuvée, vinification longue, signée par l’artiste et le propriétaire).
Certificate of honorary winemaker of the Château de Viviers for all beneficiaries.
Duration of sponsorship: to be agreed, from 5 to 10 years.
Good friends of Viviers: membership for the chosen period, allocation of several cases each year according to the chosen formula (cases of bottles will be reserved for you to buy during the sponsorship period), meetings with other sponsors or winemakers and many other privileges.
Good friends of Viviers: membership for the chosen period, allocation of several cases each year according to the chosen formula (cases of bottles will be reserved for you to buy during the sponsorship period), meetings with other sponsors or winemakers and many other privileges.
The Collector will receive each year the new harvest T-shirt.
A d d i t i o n a l o p t i o n s
- Sponsorship of an oak barrel and donation to an NGO €900
In addition to sponsoring vines, it is possible to sponsor a barrel for a period of 5 years with your name engraved directly on the barrel and the option, at the end of its life, either to reclaim it or, when it is resold, to donate the proceeds of the transaction to the NGO GoodPlanet. It is then possible to select bottles vinified from this barrel: count 180€/6 bottles/year
- Weekend at the Château de Viviers €350
Cream of the crop options, visit of the Domaine + wine tour, dinner with the owners (fondue bourguignonne, gougères: local dishes,...) + one night and breakfast in a romantic guest room at the Château de Viviers with a suggested tour to follow.
- Visit of the Domaine €140
Possibility of organising a visit to the Domaine for 2 which will include a visit to the cellars, the wine cellars, the vineyards, a wine tasting and a gourmet picnic.
- Oenological tour €140
A visit based on learning how to make wine which will include an activity related to viticulture such as leaf removal, pruning, curetage, etc., an explanation of the wine fermentation process, the effects of yeast, etc. and a tasting of the wines in progress with discussion of its evolution and the next actions to be taken.
An original wedding, Christmas or birthday gift: offer the sponsorship of organic vine plants and help protect nature and the Earth.